Code Maze Author

Marinko Spasojević

Hi, my name is Marinko Spasojevic. Currently, I work as a full-time .NET developer and my passion is web application development. Just getting something to work is not enough for me. To make it just how I like it, it must be readable, reusable, and easy to maintain. Prior to being an author on the CodeMaze blog, I had been working as a professor of Computer Science for several years. So, sharing knowledge while working as a full-time developer comes naturally to me.
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Working with Binding in Blazor Applications

In our Blazor WebAssembly series, we have talked about binding in Blazor and learned how to use one-way and two-way binding. In this article, we are going to learn even more about binding in Blazor applications and go deeper into the topic. Next to the one-way and...

Custom Validation in Blazor WebAssembly

In our Blazor WebAssembly series, we've already talked about Forms and Form Validation. There we learned a lot about creating and validating forms but there is still more to it. In this article, we are going to extend that topic by introducing a custom validation in...

CSS Isolation in Blazor Applications

Until the release of .NET 5, to be more precise .NET 5 Preview 8, we could've used only the global styles in the Blazor project. After the mentioned release, Microsoft added support for the CSS styles that are scoped to a specific component. This means that we can use...

Localization in Blazor WebAssembly Applications

In this article, we are going to learn how to implement localization in Blazor WebAssembly applications. We are going to start with a simple introduction to Globalization and Localization. Then, we are going to show you how to implement localization in Blazor...

Global HTTP Error Handling in Blazor WebAssembly

In this article, we are going to learn about handling HTTP errors in the Blazor WebAssembly application. We are going to start with a simple example, and then improve the solution until we implement global HTTP error handling with the Blazor WebAssembly interceptor....

Lazy Loading in Blazor WebAssembly

In this article, we are going to learn how to implement Lazy Loading in Blazor WebAssembly. Lazy Loading enables us to improve the startup speed of our Blazor WebAssembly application by delaying the download of the resources we do not require yet. For example, if we...

How to Secure Blazor WebAssembly with IdentityServer4

Blazor WebAssembly runs on the client and thus, it can't be trusted. This means that just like with any JavaScript application, the authorization part can be bypassed. So, this means that we have to implement our authorization actions outside of the Blazor WebAssembly...

Implementing OAuth2 Refresh Token with Angular and IdentityServer4

In this article, we are going to learn how to implement the OAuth2 refresh token actions in our Angular application. This action will enable us to silently refresh the access token when it is close to expiry. Also, it will provide a better user experience because the...

Securing Requests from Angular to Web API With Access Tokens

Up until now, we have learned how to integrate the Angular application with IdentityServer4 and how to retrieve different tokens after successful login action. From these previous articles, we know that the id token is important for the client application because it...