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XML Deserialization in C#

XML Deserialization in C#

In the world of C#, XML deserialization is a powerful technique that allows developers to convert XML data into strongly typed objects seamlessly. That said, in this article, we will learn more about XML deserialization in C#. We will cover essential concepts, hence,...

Saga Pattern With NServiceBus in C#

Saga Pattern With NServiceBus in C#

Navigating the world of distributed systems and microservices in C#? Then we should appreciate the combination of the Saga Pattern and NServiceBus. This powerful pairing provides us with an efficient solution for coordinating long-running, distributed transactions in...

Should We Use Records or Classes or Structs in C#

Should We Use Records or Classes or Structs in C#

Classes and structs have been a part of C# since version 1.0, but more recently records have been added. In this article, we will compare these three structures to see how they each have a use-case where they are the best data structure to use. If you're unsure what to do with passwords or if your approach...

How To Parse String to DateTime in C#

How To Parse String to DateTime in C#

In this article, we will discuss how to parse string representations of date and time to an equivalent DateTime value in C#. The available methods in the DateTime class include Parse(),  TryParse(), ParseExact()and TryParseExact(). These methods can parse a string to...