In this series, we are going to learn how to use IdentityServer4 to secure our applications.

We have modified all the articles from the series to use the latest version of the IdentityServer4 library (version 4 +).

We are going to start with some basic theory about IdentityServer4 and its integration with the ASP.NET Core project. Then, we are going to continue with the configuration and UI integrations. After that, we are going to learn how to use the Hybrid flow to protect our web application as well as the Web API project. Finally, we are going to migrate the in-memory IdentityServer4 configuration to the database using Entity Framework Core.

Also, with additional articles, you can learn how to secure the Angular application using the IdentityServer4 as the authentication provider. For these articles, just scroll a bit down on this page.

Furthermore, we are going to use IdentityServer4 to secure our Blazor WebAssembly application. You will find the navigation links a bit down on this page.

A lot of work ahead of us so, let’s get going.


Now, let’s look at the tutorial navigation.

This Tutorial Will be Separated Into Several Parts

After this series, you will have a great knowledge of IdentityServer4 and will be able to implement its features to secure your applications.

Additionally, you can integrate ASP.NET Core Identity with IdentityServer4 to provide some user store features. To learn more about ASP.NET Core Identity we strongly recommend reading our ASP.NET Core Identity series.

Securing the Angular Application with IdentityServer4

Securing the Blazor WebAssembly Application with IdentityServer4