In this article, we’ll explain the AsyncLocal class and how to persist values across an async flow with the AsyncLocal class in C#. We’ll start by describing the challenge that AsyncLocal solves and continue with examples of how it does that. We’ll scratch the surface of the AsyncLocal inner workings and finish with the cases when we can use it. 

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The AsyncLocal Class

During the development of asynchronous .NET applications, we often come across the need to pass values through the entire asynchronous flow. Good examples are data of authenticated users or correlation identifiers for logging that help us identify all logs related to one request. 

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The obvious solution would be adding additional parameters to our methods and passing these values as an argument. Such an approach can lead to numerous parameters in methods that we don’t necessarily need in each of them and are present only to pass this data to the methods that this method calls. Besides this tramp data, this also leads to unnecessary coupling of the classes. 

AsyncLocal as a Way to Modify the ExecutionContext Class 

A better solution would be storing such data in variables or classes accessible from all other classes in the async flow. In other words, to persist data in the particular async flow.

We could store these data in thread-local storage, but task-based asynchronous programming doesn’t guarantee that each task executes on the same thread.

To solve this problem, .NET provides a built-in global context where we can store data specific to single requests. And that is the ExecutionContext class.

To learn more about the differences between Task and Thread, read our article Tasks vs Threads in C#.

The ExecutionContext class attaches to a task and loads into a thread before the execution of a task. The ExecutionContext class serves as a value bag for a single request. We can’t manipulate the ExecutionContext directly. Instead, we get and set data on it using AsyncLocal fields. It is recommended to declare that field as static

The AsyncLocal Class Implementation

The AsyncLocal class is a generic class, that implements two constructors: parameterless AsyncLocal<T>(), and AsyncLocal<T>(Action>AsyncLocalValueChangedArgs<T>>). The second constructor accepts an Action argument. This action triggers when the instance value changes.

The AsyncLocal class has only one property, Value, which enables us to get or set the data. It doesn’t implement any additional methods besides inherited methods from objects.

Using the AsyncLocal Class to Persist Values in Async Flow in C#

Let’s look at how we can implement AsyncLocal using two examples. 

AsyncLocal Class Value in Async Flow

The AsyncLocalExample class is a simple static class that implements the DoWork() public method. It uses the AsyncFlow<int> class to store the integer value in different async methods that we call in an async flow: 

public static class AsyncLocalExample
    public static readonly AsyncLocal<int> AsyncLocalInt = new();

    public static async Task DoWork()
        AsyncLocalInt.Value = 1;
        Console.WriteLine($"AsyncLocal value in DoMainWork method: {AsyncLocalInt.Value}");

        await DoSubTaskLevel1();

        Console.WriteLine($"AsyncLocal value in DoMainWork method after executing " +
            $"DoSubTaskLevel1 method: {AsyncLocalInt.Value}");

    private static async Task DoSubTaskLevel1()
        Console.WriteLine($"AsyncLocal value when entering DoSubTaskLevel1 method: {AsyncLocalInt.Value}");

        Console.WriteLine($"AsyncLocal value after changing in DoSubTaskLevel1 method: {AsyncLocalInt.Value}");

        await DoSubTaskLevel2();

        Console.WriteLine($"AsyncLocal value in DoSubTaskLevel1 method after executing " +
            $"DoSubTaskLevel2 method: {AsyncLocalInt.Value}");

    private static async Task DoSubTaskLevel2()
        Console.WriteLine($"AsyncLocal value when entering DoSubTaskLevel2 method: {AsyncLocalInt.Value}");

        Console.WriteLine($"AsyncLocal value after changing in DoSubTaskLevel2 method: {AsyncLocalInt.Value}");

        await Task.Delay(100);

In the DoWork() method, we set the value of AsyncLocalInt to 1. Within this method, we call the child task DoSubTaskLevel1(). The called method increments the value of the AsyncLocalInt and calls yet another child task, DoSubTaskLevel2(), which increments the AsyncLocalInt value again. 

In every method execution, we log the values of the AsyncLocalInt class:

AsyncLocalExample execution:
AsyncLocal value in DoMainWork method: 1
AsyncLocal value when entering DoSubTaskLevel1 method: 1
AsyncLocal value after changing in DoSubTaskLevel1 method: 2
AsyncLocal value when entering DoSubTaskLevel2 method: 2
AsyncLocal value after changing in DoSubTaskLevel2 method: 3
AsyncLocal value in DoSubTaskLevel1 method after executing DoSubTaskLevel2 method: 2
AsyncLocal value in DoMainWork method after executing DoSubTaskLevel1 method: 1

We can see that the AsyncLocalInt value is copied to ExecutionContext of the task we execute. This copy is shallow and uses the copy-on-write technique as ExecutionContext is immutable. In other words, the new copy of the ExecutionContext is created for every task executed in async flow. 

Every task in flow changes the value of AsyncLocalInt. But when tasks are executed, the changed value of AsyncLocalInt is not visible for the parent task and stays as set in this method. We can observe that in the last two lines of the output. 

AsyncLocal Class With Value Change Notification Action

The AsyncLocalNotifyExample class follows the execution logic of our AsyncLocalExample class. The difference is that we create an AsyncLocal class with string as a type argument, and we pass the Action that executes when the value of the AsyncLocal class changes:

public static class AsyncLocalNotifyExample
    public static readonly AsyncLocal<string> AsyncLocalString = new(AsyncLocalValueChangedAction);

    static Action<AsyncLocalValueChangedArgs<string>> AsyncLocalValueChangedAction =>
        asyncLocalValueChangedArgs => Console.WriteLine($"Current: {asyncLocalValueChangedArgs.CurrentValue}, " +
                               $"Previous: {asyncLocalValueChangedArgs.PreviousValue}, " +
                               $"Thread: {Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId}, " +
                               $"ThreadContextChanged: {asyncLocalValueChangedArgs.ThreadContextChanged}");

    public static async Task DoWork()
        AsyncLocalString.Value = "Enter DoWork method";

        await DoSubTaskLevel1();

        AsyncLocalString.Value = "Exit DoWork method";

    private static async Task DoSubTaskLevel1()
        AsyncLocalString.Value = "Enter DoSubTaskLevel1 method";

        await DoSubTaskLevel2();

        AsyncLocalString.Value = "Exit DoSubTaskLevel1 method";

    private static async Task DoSubTaskLevel2()
        AsyncLocalString.Value = "Enter DoSubTaskLevel2 method";

        await Task.Delay(100);

        AsyncLocalString.Value = "Exit DoSubTaskLevel2 method";

The action AsyncLocalValueChangedAction gets triggered whenever the AsyncLocalString value changes. The type parameter of the action is a struct AsyncLocalValueChangedArgs that holds the previous and current values of the AsyncLocalString, as well as the information on whether the thread context changed:

AsyncLocalNotifyExample execution:
Current: Enter DoWork method, Previous: , Thread: 5, ThreadContextChanged: False
Current: Enter DoSubTaskLevel1 method, Previous: Enter DoWork method, Thread: 5, ThreadContextChanged: False
Current: Enter DoSubTaskLevel2 method, Previous: Enter DoSubTaskLevel1 method, Thread: 5, ThreadContextChanged: False
Current: Enter DoSubTaskLevel1 method, Previous: Enter DoSubTaskLevel2 method, Thread: 5, ThreadContextChanged: True
Current: Enter DoWork method, Previous: Enter DoSubTaskLevel1 method, Thread: 5, ThreadContextChanged: True
Current: , Previous: Enter DoWork method, Thread: 5, ThreadContextChanged: True
Current: Enter DoSubTaskLevel2 method, Previous: , Thread: 5, ThreadContextChanged: True
Current: Exit DoSubTaskLevel2 method, Previous: Enter DoSubTaskLevel2 method, Thread: 5, ThreadContextChanged: False
Current: Enter DoSubTaskLevel1 method, Previous: Exit DoSubTaskLevel2 method, Thread: 5, ThreadContextChanged: True
Current: Exit DoSubTaskLevel1 method, Previous: Enter DoSubTaskLevel1 method, Thread: 5, ThreadContextChanged: False
Current: Enter DoWork method, Previous: Exit DoSubTaskLevel1 method, Thread: 5, ThreadContextChanged: True
Current: Exit DoWork method, Previous: Enter DoWork method, Thread: 5, ThreadContextChanged: False
Current: , Previous: Exit DoWork method, Thread: 5, ThreadContextChanged: True
Current: Exit DoWork method, Previous: , Thread: 5, ThreadContextChanged: True
Current: Exit DoSubTaskLevel1 method, Previous: Exit DoWork method, Thread: 5, ThreadContextChanged: True
Current: Exit DoSubTaskLevel2 method, Previous: Exit DoSubTaskLevel1 method, Thread: 5, ThreadContextChanged: True
Current: , Previous: Exit DoSubTaskLevel2 method, Thread: 5, ThreadContextChanged: True

We can see that the action triggers whenever we set the value of the AsyncLocalString. Additionally, we can observe the control flow to the calling function when awaiting some tasks and appropriate values of the AsyncLocal class. Besides that, as we move along the async flow, we get a notification about ExecutionContext changes with the boolean value of the ThreadContextChanges

When to Use AsyncLocal 

The AsyncLocal generic class doesn’t limit type parameters to simple data types. We can construct it with any argument, such as dictionaries, lists, stacks, etc. 

The most obvious usage is for storing request-specific data, such as user identity-related data, session data, and transaction identifiers. It is convenient for storing the data for logging, such as correlation ID, which is used in structured logging to trace the flow of the single request through executing methods in different classes. 

The AsyncLocal class is not appropriate for storing data across unrelated asynchronous operations. The values don’t change when the execution thread changes, which differs from the thread context. Finally, we don’t use the AsyncLocal class in the global context of the application. 


To persist values across the async flow, the AsyncLocal class represents a convenient implementation. It enables writing cleaner code and avoiding using some less elegant solutions to pass the data down the async flow to the methods that may need this data. 

However, we should be aware of the inner workings and behavior of the AsyncLocal class, such as persisting value only on the task level where we set the value and down the async flow to its child tasks to avoid unwanted consequences. 

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