In this article, we are going to learn about URI encode and decode and how we can achieve this using .NET.

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What is URI Encoding?

Only certain characters are valid in a URL. We therefore sometimes need to perform a URI encode and decode on some characters, before we transmit them over the internet and we call this process URI Encoding.

We can classify characters in a URL as either reserved or unreserved. The reserved characters are those characters that have a special meaning and generally mark the various parts of a URL. For example, the ‘?‘ character in a URL indicates the start of any query parameters.

RFC3986 defines which characters are reserved and unreserved.

Reserved characters:

! # $ & ‘ ( ) * + , / : ; = ? @ [ ]

Unreserved characters:

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 – _ . ~

We need to encode reserved characters in a URL. To do this, we take the hexadecimal ASCII byte value of the character, preceded with a ‘%‘ character. For example, a space character encodes to ‘%20‘. Another name for URL encoding is percent-encoding, due to the ‘%‘ prefix character used.

This encoding is simple to perform, but instead of writing code to do this ourselves, .NET provides a few ways of encoding and decoding for us.

How to Encode and Decode URI Using the HttpUtility Class

The HttpUtility class, which is part of the System.Web namespace includes UrlEncode() and UrlDecode() methods:

var url = @" with space#fragment";
var httpUtilityEncoded = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(url);
Console.WriteLine(httpUtilityEncoded); //

var httpUtilityDecoded = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(httpUtilityEncoded);
Console.WriteLine(httpUtilityDecoded); // with space#fragment

These methods take a single string parameter containing the URL to be either encoded or decoded. By default, these methods use a UTF-8 encoding, but if this is not the case, there is an overload to pass a different encoding instead. There are also other method overloads to pass a Byte[] instead of a string type.

How to Encode and Decode Using the WebUtility Class

The documentation states that if we are not within a web application, we should use the WebUtility class to perform URL encoding and decoding instead. This class is in the Sytem.Net namespace.

Usage is very similar to the previous examples, although there are no overloads:

var webUtilityEncoded = WebUtility.UrlEncode(url);
Console.WriteLine(webUtilityEncoded); //

var webUtilityDecoded = WebUtility.UrlDecode(webUtilityEncoded);
Console.WriteLine(webUtilityDecoded); // with space#fragment

How to Encode and Decode Using the Uri Class

Alternatively, we can use the Uri class to encode and decode URLs. Instead of UrlEncode() and UrlDecode(), the methods are called EscapeDataString() and UnescapeDataString():

var uriEncoded = Uri.EscapeDataString(url);
Console.WriteLine(uriEncoded); //

var uriDecoded = Uri.UnescapeDataString(uriEncoded);
Console.WriteLine(uriDecoded); // with space#fragment

Differences Between the Different Options

If we look closely at the output from the examples, we’ll notice that HttpUtility.UrlEncode() produces lowercase encoding of reserved characters, whilst WebUtility.UrlEncode and Uri.EscapeDataString both output uppercase. So a ‘?‘ character encodes to either ‘%3f‘ or ‘%3F‘.

The way the space character is encoded also differs between these implementations. HttpUtility.UrlEncode and WebUtility.UrlEncode both encode a space character to ‘+‘, whereas Uri.EscapeDataString encodes a space as ‘%20‘ instead.

If we look at how these methods encode other characters like ‘!‘, ‘(‘, ‘)‘, ‘*‘, and ‘~‘ we’ll see there are also differences, so this might influence which implementation we choose to use.

Another consideration is that there is a limit of 32766 characters for Uri.EscapeDataString. If we try and encode more characters than that limit, it will throw a UriFormatException – so if we do need to encode a particularly long URL, we’ll probably want to use either HttpUtility.UrlEncode or WebUtility.UrlEncode instead.


We’ve learned about URL encoding and discovered there are multiple implementations in .NET to perform both encoding and decoding. These methods differ slightly in how they encode and decode our URLs. The particular implementation we choose will depend upon our specific requirements.

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