Creating robust applications and solutions that can stand the test of time requires using complex dates and timespans to ensure accuracy. C# offers a robust TimeSpan structure that allows developers to easily manipulate dates, durations, and ranges. In this article, we are going to explore how to effectively use the TimeSpan features in C# to help us create dependable solutions without compromising on performance or efficiency.

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Overview of TimeSpan in C#

TimeSpan is a value type in C# that represents a time interval and holds the number of ticks (the unit used for measuring time by the CPU) to represent a specific amount of time. Therefore, the TimeSpan struct helps us measure the number of days, hours, minutes, seconds, and fractions of a second (can be positive or negative).

TimeSpan values can vary from TimeSpan.MinValue to TimeSpan.MaxValue and has several constructors:

TimeSpan(Int64)Instantiates TimeSpan object with a specific number of ticks.
TimeSpan(Int32, Int32, Int32)Constructor initializes an instance with a specific number of hours, minutes, and seconds.
TimeSpan(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)This option instantiates an instance with a specific number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
TimeSpan(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)Initializes a TimeSpan instance with specific number of days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.
TimeSpan(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)This option creates an instance with specific number of days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds, and microseconds.

Next, let’s review some of the fields we can use when manipulating TimeSpan values. 

TimeSpan Fields in C#

The TimeSpan struct has fields that we can use when manipulating values: 

MaxValueThe field represents the maximum TimeSpan value.
MinValueRepresents the minimum TimeSpan value.
NanosecondsPerTickThis is a constant field that shows the number of nanoseconds per tick.
TicksPerDayShows the number of ticks in one day.
TicksPerHourA constant field that shows the number of ticks in one hour.
TicksPerMicrosecondThe field represents the number of ticks in one microsecond.
TicksPerMillisecondRepresents the number of ticks in one millisecond.
TicksPerMinuteReturns the number of ticks in one minute.
TicksPerSecondThe field represents the number of ticks in one second.
ZeroReturns the zero TimeSpan value.

Later, we are going to learn how to use these fields as we implement some examples that use the TimeSpan struct. 

TimeSpan Properties in C#

Also, the TimeSpan struct has some properties that can help us manipulate TimeSpan values:

DaysStores the day component of the TimeSpan structure.
HoursReturns the hours component of the TimeSpan structure.
MicrosecondsGets the component that represents microseconds in a TimeSpan instance
MillisecondsStores the milliseconds component of the TimeSpan structure.
MinutesRetrieves the minutes component of the current TimeSpan instance.
NanosecondsThis property represents whole nanoseconds.
SecondsRepresents the seconds component of the TimeSpan structure ranging from -59 to 59.
TicksRepresents the number of ticks in the current TimeSpan instance.
TotalDaysUses whole and fractional numbers to represent the total number of days in the TimeSpan instance.
TotalHoursGets the total number of hours in the current TimeSpan structure.
TotalMicrosecondsRepresents the total number of microseconds in the TimeSpan instance.
TotalMillisecondsThe property gets the total number of milliseconds in the current instance.
TotalMinutesReturns the TimeSpan structure in minutes and uses both whole and fractional values.
TotalNanosecondsThis property represents whole and fractional nanoseconds.
TotalSecondsReturns the value of the current TimeSpan instance as seconds.

Now that we know some of the properties that the TimeSpan struct has, let’s learn how to implement some of the methods we can use to manipulate TimeSpan values. 

TimeSpan Methods

The TimeSpan struct has some useful methods to manipulate TimeSpan values, which we’ll now look at.

How to Add TimeSpan Objects

Let’s look at how we can add two TimeSpan values:

var firstTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(1, 60, 3600);
var secondTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(2, 60, 3600);

var actual = firstTimeSpan.Add(secondTimeSpan);
var expected = firstTimeSpan + secondTimeSpan;

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

Here, we implement a method that uses the Add() method and returns a TimeSpan object. Also, we observe that we can implement the addition operation using the + operator. 

Compare TimeSpan Objects 

If we need to compare two TimeSpan instances to know whether the first value is shorter, equal to, or longer than the second value, we can take advantage of the Compare() method, which returns zero if the values we are comparing are equal.

Therefore, a value of 1 means the first TimeSpan value is greater than the second TimeSpan value. On the other hand, the method returns -1 if the first TimeSpan value is less than the second TimeSpan value.

Now, let’s implement an example:

var firstTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(1, 60, 3600);
var secondTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(1, 60, 3600);
var thirdTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(3, 60, 4000);

var equalTo = TimeSpan.Compare(firstTimeSpan, secondTimeSpan);
var lessThan = TimeSpan.Compare(secondTimeSpan, thirdTimeSpan);
var greaterThan = TimeSpan.Compare(thirdTimeSpan, firstTimeSpan);

Assert.AreEqual(0, equalTo);
Assert.AreEqual(-1, lessThan);
Assert.AreEqual(1, greaterThan);

Here, we prove that the method compares TimeSpan values accurately.

How to Compare TimeSpan Objects Using the CompareTo() Method

The CompareTo() method achieves the same purpose as the Compare() method:

var firstTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(1, 60, 3600);
var secondTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(1, 60, 3600);
var thirdTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(3, 60, 4000);

var equalTo = firstTimeSpan.CompareTo(secondTimeSpan);
var lessThan = secondTimeSpan.CompareTo(thirdTimeSpan);
var greaterThan = thirdTimeSpan.CompareTo(firstTimeSpan);

Assert.AreEqual(0, equalTo);
Assert.AreEqual(-1, lessThan);
Assert.AreEqual(1, greaterThan);

The CompareTo() method compares the second parameter with the current TimeSpan instance, and we prove it achieves the same results as our previous example.

Divide Operation With TimeSpan Values in C#

The Divide() method supports two overloads. Firstly, one allows us to divide the current TimeSpan instance with another to return a double object. Meanwhile, the other allows us to divide a TimeSpan value with a divisor to return a TimeSpan object.

Without further ado, let’s learn how to implement the first overload of the Divide() method:

var firstTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(2, 60, 3600);
var secondTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(1, 30, 1800);

var expected = firstTimeSpan.Divide(secondTimeSpan);
var actual = firstTimeSpan / secondTimeSpan;

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual, typeof(double));
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(expected, typeof(double));

We can verify that dividing firstTimeSpan with secondTimeSpan returns 2

Now, let’s learn how to divide a TimeSpan instance with a divisor:

var firstTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(2, 60, 3600);
var secondTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(1, 30, 1800);

var divisionByMethod = firstTimeSpan.Divide(2);
var divisionByOperator = firstTimeSpan / 2;

Assert.AreEqual(divisionByMethod, secondTimeSpan);
Assert.AreEqual(divisionByOperator, secondTimeSpan);
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(divisionByMethod, typeof(TimeSpan));
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(divisionByOperator, typeof(TimeSpan));

Here, we see that dividing the firstTimeSpan by 2 returns the secondTimeSpan.

Check the Equality of Two TimeSpan Values

We have a lot of options for checking the equality of TimeSpan values. First, we can use the Equals() method to assess whether two TimeSpan values are equal. Moreover, we can use normal mathematical equality operators to achieve the same result.

If you’d like to expand your knowledge about operators in C#, how about checking out our great article on Operator Overloading in C#.

Let’s look at how we use it:

var firstTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(1, 60, 3600);
var secondTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(1, 60, 3600);
var thirdTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(3, 60, 4000);

Assert.IsTrue(firstTimeSpan == secondTimeSpan);
Assert.IsTrue(firstTimeSpan < thirdTimeSpan);
Assert.IsTrue(thirdTimeSpan > secondTimeSpan);
Assert.IsTrue(thirdTimeSpan >= secondTimeSpan);
Assert.IsTrue(firstTimeSpan <= thirdTimeSpan);
Assert.IsTrue(firstTimeSpan != thirdTimeSpan);

Here, we can see that the Equals() method returns a boolean value after comparing whether two TimeSpan values are equal. Also, we see that we can compare TimeSpan values using operators such as >, <, >=, <=, !=, and ==

Multiply TimeSpan Values in C#

The Multiply() method helps us multiply the current TimeSpan instance with a given factor to return a TimeSpan value:

var expected = new TimeSpan(2, 60, 3600);
var firstTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(1, 30, 1800);
var factor = 2;

var multiplyMethod = firstTimeSpan.Multiply(factor);
var multiplyOperator = firstTimeSpan * factor;

Assert.AreEqual(multiplyMethod, multiplyOperator);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, multiplyOperator);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, multiplyMethod);
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(multiplyMethod, typeof(TimeSpan));
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(multiplyOperator, typeof(TimeSpan));

Here, we prove that our solution returns accurate results and learn that we can use the * operator to get the same results.

How to Subtract TimeSpan Values in C#

We can use the Subtract() method when we want to find the difference between the current TimeSpan and another TimeSpan value. 

var firstTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(2, 60, 3600);
var secondTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(1, 30, 1800);
var expected = new TimeSpan(1, 30, 1800);

var subtractMethod = firstTimeSpan.Subtract(secondTimeSpan);
var subtractOperator = firstTimeSpan - secondTimeSpan;

Assert.AreEqual(subtractMethod, subtractOperator);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, subtractOperator);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, subtractMethod);
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(subtractMethod, typeof(TimeSpan));
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(subtractOperator, typeof(TimeSpan));

We use the Subtract() method to get the difference between the two values. However, we can use the - operator as well to achieve the same result.

Get Absolute Values From TimeSpan Objects

We can utilize the Duration() method to return the absolute value of the current TimeSpan instance. So, let’s understand how it works:

var firstTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(2, 60, 3600);

var actual = firstTimeSpan.Duration();
var expected = new TimeSpan(04, 00, 00);

Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual, typeof(TimeSpan));

We convert a TimeSpan instance to its absolute value and learn that the absolute value of the firstTimeSpan object is four hours.

Negate TimeSpan Values in C#

In some cases, we may need to negate TimeSpan values, which we can achieve by making use of the Negate() method:

var firstTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(2, 60, 3600);
var expected = new TimeSpan(-2, -60, -3600);

var negateMethod = firstTimeSpan.Negate();
var negateOperator = -(firstTimeSpan);

Assert.AreEqual(negateMethod, expected);
Assert.AreEqual(negateMethod, negateOperator);
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(negateMethod, typeof(TimeSpan));

The method negates each component of the TimeSpan instance. Also, we learn that we can achieve the same result by using the UnaryNegation technique when assigning a negative TimeSpan value to negateOperator

Create TimeSpan From the Number of Days

We can create a new TimeSpan object that is accurate to the last millisecond by invoking the FromDays() method:

var days = 2;
var expected = new TimeSpan(46, 60, 3600);

var actual = TimeSpan.FromDays(days);
var totalDays = actual.TotalDays;

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Assert.AreEqual(days, totalDays);

Here, we see that we can create a TimeSpan object and validate its accuracy by comparing it with the TotalDays field. 

Instantiate TimeSpan From Number of Hours

Likewise, we can create TimeSpan objects if we know the number of hours using the FromHours() method:

var hours = 4;
var expected = new TimeSpan(2, 60, 3600);

var actual = TimeSpan.FromHours(hours);
var totalHours = actual.TotalHours;

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Assert.AreEqual(hours, totalHours);

Here, we create a TimeSpan object as we know the number of hours to use. Also, we can use theFromMinutes() method to create a TimeSpan instance from the number of minutes.

To create TimeSpan instances from seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, and ticks, we use the FromSeconds(), FromMilliseconds(), MicroSeconds(), and FromTicks() methods respectively. 

How to Convert TimeSpan Values to Strings

The TimeSpan.ToString() method allows us to convert the value of the current TimeSpan instance to its equivalent string representation.

If you’d like to learn more about the ToString() method, check out our great article ToString Method in C#.

Now, let’s learn how to invoke this method with a simple example:

var firstTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(2, 60, 3600);
var expected = "04:00:00";

var actual = firstTimeSpan.ToString();

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual, typeof(string));

The method takes a TimeSpan value and returns its string representation by invoking the TimeSpan.ToString() method. Now that we’ve covered the methods available to us when working with theTimeSpan struct, let’s look at some of the common uses.

Common Uses for TimeSpan Objects in C#

TimeSpans come in handy to limit the time a user can spend performing some action. For example, gaming applications use them to limit how long a player has to complete a certain level or challenge before they lose their progress.

Additionally, TimeSpans can help manage applications’ scheduling by setting times when tasks should start and end.

TimeSpans can come in handy in database systems when tracking changes over time or setting limits on how long they store records.

Finally, they provide an easy way to measure durations between events, making them very useful for performance testing and analysis. 


The TimeSpan struct is an incredibly useful tool in C# that can provide great flexibility and functionality for applications. By understanding how to create, format, and use TimeSpan objects, we can add valuable features to our programs. Have you used TimeSpans in your code? What tips would you share with other developers? Let us know in the comments below.

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