New year – new resolutions. We might feel things are somewhat out of our control right now, but there are always some areas of life we can control. And that’s learning and self-improvement. So this week, we present you with a new batch of articles that can easily help you with that goal. Pick your favorite topic and read on.

.NET and C#

  • Entity Framework Core 5 Interceptors []
    One of the most used arguments against using Entity Framework is the danger of not knowing what happens behind the curtains. Khaled shows us how we can take a good look behind the scenes, what benefits we can reap, and the price we need to pay for having that privilege. A good article for anyone working a lot with EF Core.
  • Understanding WebSockets with ASP.NET Core []
    A good introductory article by Sahan Serasinghe that goes in-depth through WebSockets and how they are implemented in ASP.NET Core. A worthy read for those that want to start working with WebSockets and SignalR.

Worthy Reads

Live & Presentation

Other Interesting Articles

On Programming and Life

Weekly Dose of Humor

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Have a great weekend!

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