Another good week for new and interesting articles. There’s been a lot of useful ones this week, so much so, you can’t pick the wrong one to read. .NET community has been great this entire year and we hope we’ll continue seeing such a great selection of articles in the future too.

On the other news, BLACK FRIDAY SALE is ON! Check out a 40% discount on the Ultimate ASP.NET Core Web API Premium Package! This is by far the best price for the program we’ll have all year round, so if you’ve planned to get it, now’s the best chance.

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If you’ve done that, and you just want to relax, pick any article from this list, prepare your favorite brew (coffee?), sit down, and start the weekend off the right way.

.NET and C#

  • C# 9 Records as DDD Value Objects []
    C# 9 introduced records, and we’ve seen some articles and demos before. In this particular guide, Vladimir Khorikov talks about whether records can be used as DDD value objects.
  • Using Channels In .NET Core – Part 1 – Getting Started []
    First of the three article series that covers channels in .NET Core written by Wade Gausden. Channel<T> is a relatively new collection in .NET (Core) so you might not have heard of it yet. If you are interested to learn what it is and how it should be used, this is the right article (series) for you.

Worthy Reads

Live & Presentation

News & Updates

Other Interesting Articles

On Programming and Life

Weekly Dose of Humor

We hope you’ve enjoyed the articles this week. If you haven’t done so yet, please subscribe to get notified about future newsletter issues.

Have a great weekend!

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