The elephant in the room this time is the release of RC2 for .NET 5. This is the last step before the full release of .NET 5. We hope you’re as excited as we are because it’s going to be awesome. There are many features we look forward to, especially in Blazor WebAssembly. Meanwhile, there’s a great variety of articles we can read to improve and relax at the same time, so pick one and get started:

.NET and C#

  • Ace Switch Expressions in C# 8 []
    Khalid shows us how to use  Property Patterns, Tuple Patterns, and when keyword to create a more elegant solution for switch expressions. Or at least how to make it smaller :). Check it out, very interesting read.
  • Testing Blazor components using bUnit []
    Gérald Barré goes through the basics of unit testing Blazor components with the bUnit Framework. He explains what we can test, and the underlying mechanisms of unit testing a Blazor component. If you’re into testing, and you like Blazor, this is the right article for you.

Worthy Reads

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Weekly Dose of Humor

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