Issue #193 of the Code Maze weekly.
Check out what’s new this week and enjoy the read.
.NET and C# Top Picks
- Single() or First()? Understand the Abstractions you use! []
How often do you think about the abstractions you use and their tradeoffs? Is First() faster than Single()? Does it matter? Find answers to these questions and more in this article by Derek Comartin. - Reading JSON and binary data from multipart/form-data sections in ASP.NET Core []
An interesting article about reading both JSON and binary data from a multipart/form-data request. This can be a little bit tricky so here’s one way of doing it, presented by Andrew Lock.
Other Great Reads
- Wolverine embraces Observability []
- Provide opt-in to experimental APIs using C#12 ExperimentalAttribute []
- Microsoft .NET Code Analysis: Use nameof() To Retrieve the Parameter Name []
- From Text to Action: Creating Hyperlinks in .NET MAUI []
- Reading a stream of JsonDocuments separated by new lines (ndjson) []
- Setting up better logging in Azure Functions []
- Using a strong nonce based CSP with Angular []
- Save Files With Elevated Permissions on UnauthorizedAccessException []
- MoonSharp – Running Lua Scripts in .NET []
- Learn to Build .NET Cloud Native Apps & Microservices for FREE in the Browser! []
- Live Coding a containerized web app for event management []
- C#/WPF – Material Design in XAML – DrawerHost []
- Performance Testing a DevDrive on Windows 11 LIVE and RAW with ZERO EDITS []
- Is It Okay To Put Properties on Interfaces? []
- Understanding SQL Auto-Incrementing Identity in 10 Minutes or Less []
- Why Should I Upgrade My .NET Application? []
- The Missing Piece of Your .NET Logs []
- The Coolest Way To Await Multiple Tasks in .NET []
- MAUI – Syncfusion : Notification Controls []
- How To Create Better .NET Applications with Architecture Tests []
- What is a Domain Service in Domain-Driven Design? []
YouTube Shorts
- Did You Hear About EF 8 Complex Types? #shorts []
- Func, Predicate, and Expression in C# #shorts []
- Register Minimal APIs Using This Method #shorts []
- What is the Repository Pattern? #shorts []
- Commercializing Open Source with Victoria Melnikova []
- Navigating the .NETverse: From Assembler to Open Source Marvel with Scott Hunter []
Programming & Life
- Asked to do something illegal at work? Here’s what these software engineers did []
Weekly Dose of Humor
- When I’m new and I find out that my trainer for the past two days is leaving tomorrow []
- When I’m a back-end dev and I’m asked to do some front-end work []
- When I don’t wait for the tests to finish before deploying []
- When the product owner revises all our story points downwards []