In this article, we are going to learn how to get the list of properties in C#, and also how to use the BindingFlags to filter the properties to retrieve.

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We have a lot to cover. Let’s start it.

Prepare The Environment

First, let’s create a console application using the Visual Studio wizard or the dotnet new console command.

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Once our project is ready, let’s create a Person class and define some properties:

public class Person
    public string FirstName { get; set; } = default!;
    public string LastName { get; set; } = default!;
    public int Age { get; set; }

We will use this class and its properties throughout this entire article.

Additionally, let’s create a method to print every property:

public void PrintProperties(PropertyInfo[] properties)
    foreach (var item in properties)
        Console.WriteLine($" * {item.Name}");


As an input parameter, this method receives a PropertyInfo[] array with every property to print. Then we iterate through each element in the array and print the name of the property to the console.

Get The List of Properties 

The first step consists of adding the reflection namespace to our application.

Once we have the Person class ready and the reflection namespace imported, let’s create a RetrieveProperties() method to retrieve every property from an instance:

public PropertyInfo[] RetrieveProperties(object obj)
    var type = obj.GetType();
    return type.GetProperties();

First, as an input parameter, this method receives an object instance (obj) from which we want to get every property. Then, we use the GetType() method to get the instance type from this object and store it in the type object.

Finally, we return the GetProperties() result to print it later using the PrintProperties() method.

Now, let’s call this method sending a Person instance as a parameter:

properties = propertiesRetriever.RetrieveProperties(new Person());

Subsequently, let’s call the PrintProperties() method:


After that we have the result:

 * FirstName
 * LastName
 * Age

It is good to mention that, the GetProperties() method retrieves only the public and inherited properties. That said, let’s create a User class with two properties to check how to get the list of properties from a  child class:

public sealed class User : Person
    public string Email { get; set; } = default!;
    private string Password { get; set; } = default!;

This class contains a public Email and a private Passwordproperty.

To learn more about public and private members, check out our article C# Access Modifiers.

Note that this class inherits from the Person class, so it contains every public/protected person’s property, as well as the Email, Password properties.

Now, we can call the RetrieveProperties() method with a User instance:

properties = propertiesRetriever.RetrieveProperties(new User());

Which gives us a list of properties:

 * Email
 * FirstName
 * LastName
 * Age

Basically, this method returns every public property from the instance object (User) and the parent (Person) class, but it excludes the Password property because it is marked as private.

To work around this problem, the GetProperties()method contains an overloaded method with a parameter (BindingFlags enumeration) to change its behavior depending on this parameter.

Let’s check how it works.

The GetProperties() Method Overload 

Let’s create a RetrievePropertiesWithFilter() method to use this overload:

public PropertyInfo[] RetrievePropertiesWithFilter(object obj, BindingFlags binding)
    var type = obj.GetType();
    return type.GetProperties(binding);

This method is very similar to the previous RetrieveProperties() method, but this time, we receive a BindingFlags enumeration as a parameter and we send this parameter to the GetProperties() method.

Now, let’s call the RetrievePropertiesWithFilter() method to get only the public properties:

properties = propertiesRetriever.RetrievePropertiesWithFilter(new User(),
    BindingFlags.Instance |

Note that we can combine two flags using bitwise OR (|) operator to specify multiple options.

The BindingFlags.Instance parameter states that we want to include only instance members in the search. The second combined parameter (BindingFlags.Public) includes the public members in the search.

Let’s check its result:

 * Email
 * FirstName
 * LastName
 * Age

Get the List of Non-public Properties

If we don’t specify any BindingFlag to bring the private/protected properties, it excludes the Password property from the list.

Let’s include BindingFlags.NonPublic enum in the RetrievePropertiesWithFilter() method’s call:

properties = propertiesRetriever.RetrievePropertiesWithFilter(new User(),
    BindingFlags.Instance |
    BindingFlags.Public |

This time, the GetProperties() method is going to return every instance member which is public or non-public:

 * Email
 * Password
 * FirstName
 * LastName
 * Age

Get the List of Properties of a Child Class

To exclude members that are not declared directly on the User class itself, we can include the BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly parameter:

properties = propertiesRetriever.RetrievePropertiesWithFilter(new User(),
    BindingFlags.Instance |
    BindingFlags.Public |
    BindingFlags.NonPublic |

This time, the result will only include members that are declared at the level of the User class hierarchy and exclude any members that are inherited from a base type:

 * Email
 * Password

Retrieve Base Class Members Only

If we want to retrieve only the base class members, we are going to create a new RetrieveParentClassPropertiesWithFilter() method with a tiny difference:

public PropertyInfo[] RetrieveParentClassPropertiesWithFilter(object obj, BindingFlags binding)
    var type = obj.GetType();
    return type.BaseType?.GetProperties(binding);

We need to add the BaseType property before the GetProperties() method call. This way, the GetProperties() method is going to retrieve only properties from the base class.

Let’s see this in action:

properties = propertiesRetriever.RetrieveParentClassPropertiesWithFilter(new User(),
    BindingFlags.Instance |
    BindingFlags.Public |

This time, we call the RetrieveParentClassPropertiesWithFilter() method, which will only return the base class properties:

 * FirstName
 * LastName
 * Age

As we expected, we have only the properties from the Person (base) class.

The User and the Person class contains only instance (non-static) members. For that reason, if we omit the BindingFlags.Instance we will have an empty PropertyInfo array as a result. Let’s see how to retrieve static class members next.

Retrieve Static Members

To start, let’s create a Configuration class:

public class Configuration
    public static string StaticProperty { get; set; } = default!;
    public string NonStaticProperty { get; set; } = default!;

Here, we create static and non-static properties, StaticProperty and NonStaticProperty respectively.

Let’s call the RetrievePropertiesWithFilter() method passing a Configuration instance as a parameter:

properties = propertiesRetriever.RetrievePropertiesWithFilter(new Configuration(),
    BindingFlags.Instance |
    BindingFlags.Static |

Note that we use BindingFlags.Instance, BindingFlags.Static and BindingFlags.Public filters. Once our class contains static and non-static properties and all of them are public, it is necessary to use the three BindingFlags to retrieve every property.

Let’s check the result:

 * StaticProperty
 * NonStaticProperty

As expected, we have every property member from the Configuration class.

Now, let’s omit the BindingFlags.Instance:

properties = propertiesRetriever.RetrievePropertiesWithFilter(new Configuration(),
    BindingFlags.Static |

This time, we send just the BindingFlags.Static and BindingFlags.Public:

 * StaticProperty

As expected, we have only the StaticProperty, as it is static and public.


In this article, we have learned numerous techniques for working with properties in C#. First, we explored how to get the list of properties from a class object. Then, we learned that we can use the BindingFlags to filter our search to match specific criteria. Finally, we have seen that it is possible to retrieve only the parent class members, however, it is necessary a tiny modification to our code.

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