Issue #71 of the Code Maze weekly.
Check out what’s new this week and enjoy the read.
.NET and C#
- Static methods considered evil? []
Static methods. We love them and hate them at the same time. But are they inherently bad or just considered bad without a good reason. Read this article by Vladimir Khorikov to find out. - Maximizing the power of logs as your application scales []
Logs are important and that’s something we can easily agree on. But how important are they really and how can we get most of our logs as the application scales. If you’re interested in finding out, check out this article by Michael Shpilt.
Worthy Reads
- Page Remote Validation in ASP.NET Core Identity []
- Using Dapper ORM with ComponentOne Blazor []
- Viewing app configuration using Oakton’s Describe command and Spectre.Console []
- ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 – Part 03 – Support for IAsyncDisposable in MVC []
- Handle Exceptions With ASP.NET Core ExceptionHandlerMiddleware []
- Tetris in Blazor Part 2: Cells, the Grid, and the Game State []
- Playing with an X-Touch Mini controller using C# []
- How to deploy Blazor WebAssembly to DigitalOcean App Platform []
- Be careful when mixing ValueTask and Task.Run []
- Don’t use HttpContext.Current, especially when using async []
Live & Presentation
- Monsters Weekly 205 – Microsoft Identity with Christos Matskas []
- Coding Shorts: Demystifying Bitwise Operators in C# []
- Intro to Service Principals with Peter De Tender []
- Episode 189 – Reactive DDD with Vaughn Vernon []
Other Interesting Articles
- Building Mono-Repositories With GitHub Actions []
- Monitoring and Observability in Cloud-Native ASP.NET Core apps []
- How to set up perfect command-line environment on Windows []
- Bicep – Why do we need yet another way to deploy stuff in Azure? []
- REST APIs for Microservices? Beware! []
- How to Disable a repository in Azure DevOps? []
- SQL FOREIGN KEY: The Ultimate, Easy Guide for Newbies []
- The .NET Stacks #42: 🔌 When Active Directory isn’t so active []
On Programming and Life
- 5 Skills Students Need to Get Their First Programming Job in 2021 []
- Location, Location, Location: Where to place code []
Weekly Dose of Humor
- When they ask me to write the documentation []
- When I tell my time estimation to the sales guy []
- When I was minding my own business during a video conference and I suddenly hear my name []
We hope you’ve enjoyed the articles this week. If you haven’t done so yet, please subscribe to get notified about future newsletter issues.
Have a great weekend!