Razor Pages, Blazor, C# 9, APIs, Kafka, IIS, security, skill improvement, burnout, we’ve seen all kinds of articles this week. There is an article for anyone, so find a comfy spot and choose the one you like:

.NET and C#

  • Improved Target Typing In C# 9 [dotnetcoretutorials.com]
    Wade gives us a nice overview of target typing in C# (do you know what it is yet?) and shows how it works through some simple yet effective examples.
  • Handle HTTP Status Codes With Razor Pages [khalidabuhakmeh.com]
    Handling status codes is an important part of almost any web application. Khalid shows us how to use middleware to handle status codes in Razor Pages application

Worthy Reads

Live & Presentations

DevOps & IoT

Other Interesting Articles

On Programming and Life

Weekly Dose of Humor

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