In this article, we are going to learn how to create a Blazor WebAssembly Pagination by consuming data from our Web API server project. We already have the server-side logic to provide the data to the client, but now, we are going to modify it to fit the pagination purpose. After the server-side modification, we are going to create a client side pagination and use the data from the server.
For the complete navigation for this series, you can visit the Blazor Series page.
Creating the Server-Side Pagination
That said, we are going to implement the pagination logic in our Web API project but without detailed explanations, but should you find yourself lost, please read the article about pagination.
Now, let’s start with the implementation.
We are going to create a new folder RequestFeatures
in the Entities
project and inside that folder a new ProductParameters
public class ProductParameters { const int maxPageSize = 50; public int PageNumber { get; set; } = 1; private int _pageSize = 4; public int PageSize { get { return _pageSize; } set { _pageSize = (value > maxPageSize) ? maxPageSize : value; } } }
Next, in the same folder, we are going to create the MetaData
public class MetaData { public int CurrentPage { get; set; } public int TotalPages { get; set; } public int PageSize { get; set; } public int TotalCount { get; set; } public bool HasPrevious => CurrentPage > 1; public bool HasNext => CurrentPage < TotalPages; }
In this class, we just create the required properties for our client-side pagination.
Then, let’s create a new folder Paging
in the BlazorProduct.Server
project and a new PagedList
class inside that folder:
public class PagedList<T> : List<T> { public MetaData MetaData { get; set; } public PagedList(List<T> items, int count, int pageNumber, int pageSize) { MetaData = new MetaData { TotalCount = count, PageSize = pageSize, CurrentPage = pageNumber, TotalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(count / (double)pageSize) }; AddRange(items); } public static PagedList<T> ToPagedList(IEnumerable<T> source, int pageNumber, int pageSize) { var count = source.Count(); var items = source .Skip((pageNumber - 1) * pageSize) .Take(pageSize).ToList(); return new PagedList<T>(items, count, pageNumber, pageSize); } }
In this class, we prepare all the pagination data and populate the MetaData
property. Additionally, we have to include the Entities.RequestFeatures
using statement to recognize the MetaData
With this in place, we can start the repository modification.
Modifying Repository Files
Let’s start with the IProductRepository
public interface IProductRepository { Task<PagedList<Product>> GetProducts(ProductParameters productParameters); }
And of course, we have to modify the ProductRepository
public async Task<PagedList<Product>> GetProducts(ProductParameters productParameters) { var products = await _context.Products.ToListAsync(); return PagedList<Product> .ToPagedList(products, productParameters.PageNumber, productParameters.PageSize); }
Finally, let’s modify the Get
action in the ProductController
[HttpGet] public async Task<IActionResult> Get([FromQuery] ProductParameters productParameters) { var products = await _repo.GetProducts(productParameters); Response.Headers.Add("X-Pagination", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(products.MetaData)); return Ok(products); }
So, we just fetch the data with the parameters and extract the MetaData
to the response header.
And that’s it. We can test this with the Postman:
We can see we only have three products in the result, and that is correct because we requested three products per page. If we navigate to the Headers tab:
We can see the X-Pagination
header with all the required data.
The last thing we have to do is to expose this custom header to the client application:
services.AddCors(policy => { policy.AddPolicy("CorsPolicy", opt => opt .AllowAnyOrigin() .AllowAnyHeader() .AllowAnyMethod() .WithExposedHeaders("X-Pagination")); });
Now we can move to the Blazor WebAssembly Pagination logic.
The Client Code Modification
Before we start with the Pagination actions, we have to make a couple of changes in our client code.
Let’s start by creating a new Features
folder in the Client
project and a new PagingResponse
class inside it:
public class PagingResponse<T> where T : class { public List<T> Items { get; set; } public MetaData MetaData { get; set; } }
Now, we have to modify the IProductHttpRepository
public interface IProductHttpRepository { Task<PagingResponse<Product>> GetProducts(ProductParameters productParameters); }
And the repository class as well:
public async Task<PagingResponse<Product>> GetProducts(ProductParameters productParameters) { var queryStringParam = new Dictionary<string, string> { ["pageNumber"] = productParameters.PageNumber.ToString() }; var response = await _client.GetAsync(QueryHelpers.AddQueryString("products", queryStringParam)); var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { throw new ApplicationException(content); } var pagingResponse = new PagingResponse<Product> { Items = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<Product>>(content, _options), MetaData = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<MetaData>(response.Headers.GetValues("X-Pagination").First(), _options) }; return pagingResponse; }
So, we create our query parameter dictionary with the pageNumber
key. Then in the response, we use the QueryHelpers.AddQueryString
expression to add query string parameters in the request. For this, we have to install the Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities
library. After that, we just create a new pagingResponse
object, where we populate the Items
and MetaData
properties and return it as a result.
Finally, we have to modify the Products.razor.cs
public partial class Products { public List<Product> ProductList { get; set; } = new List<Product>(); public MetaData MetaData { get; set; } = new MetaData(); private ProductParameters _productParameters = new ProductParameters(); [Inject] public IProductHttpRepository ProductRepo { get; set; } protected async override Task OnInitializedAsync() { var pagingResponse = await ProductRepo.GetProducts(_productParameters); ProductList = pagingResponse.Items; MetaData = pagingResponse.MetaData; } }
Now, if we start our application and navigate to the Products menu, we are going to find four products. This proves that our pagination logic works because by default we ask for four products on the page:
Now let’s jump right to the paging implementation.
Blazor WebAssembly Pagination Implementation
Let’s start by creating new Pagination.razor
and Pagination.razor.cs
files in the Components
folder. After creation, we are going to modify the .cs
public partial class Pagination { [Parameter] public MetaData MetaData { get; set; } [Parameter] public int Spread { get; set; } [Parameter] public EventCallback<int> SelectedPage { get; set; } }
So, we have three parameters, the MetaData
, the Spread
, and the SelectedPage
. The MetaData
property is familiar to us. With the Spread
property, we are going to configure the number of page buttons (links) that will show before and after the currently selected page in the pagination component. The last property is of type EventCallback
. In Blazor, we use EventCallbacks to run the methods from the parent component inside the child component. In our case, every time we select a new page in the pagination component, we are going to fire the SelectedPage
event callback which will execute the method from the parent (Products) component.
Now, let’s create a new PagingLink
class in the Features
public class PagingLink { public string Text { get; set; } public int Page { get; set; } public bool Enabled { get; set; } public bool Active { get; set; } public PagingLink(int page, bool enabled, string text) { Page = page; Enabled = enabled; Text = text; } }
In this class, we have four properties. We are going to use the Text
property for every button text in the pagination component (Previous, Next, 1,2,3…). The Page
property will hold the value of the current page. Finally, we are going to use the Enabled
and Active
properties to decide whether to add the enabled and active classes to the pagination button.
Generating Links for the Pagination
Now, let’s get back to the Pagination
public partial class Pagination { [Parameter] public MetaData MetaData { get; set; } [Parameter] public int Spread { get; set; } [Parameter] public EventCallback<int> SelectedPage { get; set; } private List<PagingLink> _links; protected override void OnParametersSet() { CreatePaginationLinks(); } private void CreatePaginationLinks() { _links = new List<PagingLink>(); _links.Add(new PagingLink(MetaData.CurrentPage - 1, MetaData.HasPrevious, "Previous")); for (int i = 1; i <= MetaData.TotalPages; i++) { if(i >= MetaData.CurrentPage - Spread && i <= MetaData.CurrentPage + Spread) { _links.Add(new PagingLink(i, true, i.ToString()) { Active = MetaData.CurrentPage == i }); } } _links.Add(new PagingLink(MetaData.CurrentPage + 1, MetaData.HasNext, "Next")); } private async Task OnSelectedPage(PagingLink link) { if (link.Page == MetaData.CurrentPage || !link.Enabled) return; MetaData.CurrentPage = link.Page; await SelectedPage.InvokeAsync(link.Page); } }
Here, we create a new _links
variable that will hold all the links for our pagination component. As soon as our parameters get their values, the OnParameterSet
lifecycle method will run and call the CreatePaginationLinks
method. In that method, we create the Previous
link, the page number links with the Active
property set to true for the current page and the Next
link. Additionally, we have the OnSelectedPage
This method will run as soon as the user clicks any link in the pagination component. Of course, if that link is the currently selected or disabled link, we do nothing. On the other side, we set the CurrentPage
to the selected page and invoke our EventCallback
After these changes, we can modify the Pagination.razor
<nav aria-label="Page navigation example"> <ul class="pagination justify-content-center"> @foreach (var link in _links) { <li @onclick="() => OnSelectedPage(link)" style="cursor: pointer;" class="page-item @(link.Enabled ? null : "disabled") @(link.Active ? "active" : null)"> <span class="page-link" href="#">@link.Text</span> </li> } </ul> </nav>
This is a simple pagination HTML code, where we iterate through each link in the _links
field, set disabled and active classes conditionally, and run our OnSelectedPage
local method.
And that’s it regarding the pagination component. We can now modify the Products.razor
<div class="row"> <div class="col-md-10"> @*Place for search and sort*@ </div> <div class="col-md-2"> <a href="/createProduct">Create Product</a> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <ProductTable Products="ProductList" /> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <Pagination MetaData="MetaData" Spread="2" SelectedPage="SelectedPage" /> </div> </div>
We can see that we call the Pagination
component and pass the values for the MetaData
and the Spread
properties. Furthermore, we send our local SelectedPage
function to the SelectedPage
EventCallback property in the Pagination
component. Of course, we have to create our local SelectedPage
method in the Products.razor.cs
public partial class Products { public List<Product> ProductList { get; set; } = new List<Product>(); public MetaData MetaData { get; set; } = new MetaData(); private ProductParameters _productParameters = new ProductParameters(); [Inject] public IProductHttpRepository ProductRepo { get; set; } protected async override Task OnInitializedAsync() { await GetProducts(); } private async Task SelectedPage(int page) { _productParameters.PageNumber = page; await GetProducts(); } private async Task GetProducts() { var pagingResponse = await ProductRepo.GetProducts(_productParameters); ProductList = pagingResponse.Items; MetaData = pagingResponse.MetaData; } }
As you can see, the logic for calling the repository method and populating the ProductList
and MetaData
properties are inside the GetProducts
method. Additionally, we create the SelectedPage
method, where we populate the PageNumber
property inside the _productParameters
object (which we use for the query string creation) and call the GetProducts
Testing Our Blazor WebAssembly Pagination
Now, let’s start both the server and client applications, and inspect the result:
And there we go, we can see that everything works as we want it to.
Again, if you want to learn in more detail about Pagination in the Web API project, you can visit our Pagination in Web API article or visit the entire ASP.NET Core Web API series to learn in great detail about creating Web API projects.
That’s all for this article.
We have learned how to create pagination in the server-side application and how to implement that result in our client-side application to generate the Blazor WebAssembly Pagination component.
In the next article, we are going to cover the Search functionality in our application.
So, see you there.
Why use the header for the metadata, instead of creating DTO that includes both the data and the metadata?
Hi Barry. It is usually better to separate the metadata parameters from the regular DTO parts in your response. Of course, for your personal project, if you want, you can always combine those two, and everything will work without issues. But personally, I would never do that and I never did that in my previous projects.
Thank you.
Oh god so much work for just having pagination 🙁
I have used PHP and Laravel before trying .NET and compared to this Laravel is pure magic 😛
Anyhow I really appreciate the good work here at Code Maze without you I would have never been able to make it!
I’m just wondering how do .NET developers keep up with all this work? I mean this will end up with having massive codes and files all over the place! Do most .NET developers use some kind of package to achieve this?
I’m sorry for my ignorance.. I’m just overwhelmed by all this 🙂
Well, it may seem like a lot of work due to the client side implementation, but it really isn’t. For the server-side, I really like to do it my way since I am sure about the implementation and speed. But for the client side, there are a lot of libraries to help you with that. For example, we have an article on Blazor and MudBlazor with Paging, Searching, and Sorting, there you can find how MudBlazor helps speed up the process on the client side.