Code Maze Author

Muhammad Afzal Qureshi

I have more than 20 years of experience in the industry, specializing in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Strategic IT Planning, and Solution Architecture across diverse sectors. I am proficient in Object-Oriented and Functional Programming, Design Patterns, and Cloud Native based SaaS Solutions with cloud providers like Microsoft Azure and AWS. I lead teams to align deliverables precisely and have a track record demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of SDLC, industry-standard development, and championing the adoption of Microservices Architecture using various technology stacks like .NET, NodeJS, Python, and Go.
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Serialization and Deserialization with YamlDotNet

YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a human-readable data serialization language, while YamlDotNet is a .NET library that helps us serialize and deserialize YAML data. Due to its simple and intuitive syntax, programming languages frequently use YAML for configuration...

Using Memory For Efficient Memory Management in C#

Effective memory management is a crucial aspect of programming languages, especially when performance and efficiency are paramount. In C#, developers have access to a powerful API, Memory<T>, enabling them to work flexibly and efficiently with memory. In this...

How to Log a Class and Method Names Using Serilog

Developers must implement an efficient logging system to maintain and troubleshoot applications effectively. One popular logging library that provides powerful logging capabilities is Serilog. In this article, we will talk about how to log class and method names using...

How to Divide Data Into Batches With LINQ

In software development, it is often necessary to divide data into manageable batches for more efficient processing and improved application performance. In this article, we will look at some approaches to dividing data into batches using LINQ methods, with the C#...

Simple Initialization With Collection Expressions in .NET

The .NET development platform takes pride in constantly improving its core programming language, C#. Despite being two decades old, it continues to evolve with every new release. The latest release, C#12, is no exception. In this article, we will explore a new feature...

How to Use Sections in Blazor

Blazor is revolutionizing web development in the .NET realm by introducing innovative features with each new release. In this article, we will explore one of Blazor's impressive features, "Sections", introduced by the .NET 8 release. [sc name="github"...

How to Decode JWT Tokens in .NET

In today's interconnected web ecosystem, all communicating parties must ensure secure authentication and data exchange. One popular and reliable method for transmitting information between parties in a compact and verifiable manner is through JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)....