Code Maze Author

Marinko Spasojević

Hi, my name is Marinko Spasojevic. Currently, I work as a full-time .NET developer and my passion is web application development. Just getting something to work is not enough for me. To make it just how I like it, it must be readable, reusable, and easy to maintain. Prior to being an author on the CodeMaze blog, I had been working as a professor of Computer Science for several years. So, sharing knowledge while working as a full-time developer comes naturally to me.
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C# Intermediate – Inheritance

Inheritance is one of the three key concepts in object-oriented programming. We can use inheritance to avoid repetition when different classes have a number of features in common and are related to each other. In this post, we are going to talk about C# inheritance,...

C# Intermediate – Enumerations

Besides the structures, C# supports another value type Enumeration. In this article, we are going to talk more about Enumerations in C#. Classes and Constructors Properties Static Members, Constants, and Extension Methods Anonymous and Nullable Types Structures...

C# Intermediate – Structures

In the previous articles, we have learned about classes, how to use them and how to create an object as an instance of a class. In this article, we are going to talk about structures that are similar to classes but have some differences as well. Classes and...

Implementing Action Filters in ASP.NET Core

Filters in .NET offer a great way to hook into the MVC action invocation pipeline. Therefore, we can use filters to extract code that can be reused and make our actions cleaner and maintainable. There are some filters that are already provided by ASP.NET Core like the...

C# Intermediate – Anonymous and Nullable Types

In this article, we are going to talk about anonymous classes, how to create them, and why they are useful. Moreover, we are going to talk about nullable types and how to use them with the value types and what properties we have with the nullable types. Classes and...

C# Intermediate – Properties

A property is a member that provides a flexible tool to read and write the value of a private field. We use them as public data members but actually, they are specific methods called accessors. In this article, we are going to talk more about properties and how to use...

C# Intermediate – Classes and Constructors

The word “class” is the root of the word “classification”. When we create our class we systematically arrange information and behavior into a meaningful entity. We don’t use classification only in software development, we are doing the same in real-life situations. So...

C# Back to Basics – File and Directory Classes

File and Directory classes contain different static methods for manipulating the files, directories, and subdirectories. These classes exist in the System.IO namespace. So, let’s inspect some of the most used methods of both classes. Development Environment Setup Data...

C# Back to Basics – Files, StreamWriter and StreamReader

It's time to learn how to work with files in C#. For that purpose, in this article, we will cover two classes StreamWriter and StreamReader. Development Environment Setup Data Types, Declarations and Variable Definitions Operators in C# Type Conversion Input and...

C# Back to Basics – Arrays

We often have a situation where we need to use a couple of variables of the same type and to execute the same operation on each of them. Imagine if we need hundreds of variables or even more, well we can agree upon a fact that creating a hundred variables of the same...

C# Back to Basics – Recursion and Recursive Methods

In this article, we are going to talk about Recursion and Recursive Methods in C#. Furthermore, we will learn how to use recursive methods and how they differ from regular methods. Development Environment Setup Data Types, Declarations and Variable Definitions...

Difference Between Ref and Out keywords in C#

In this article, we are still going to talk about methods but from a different perspective. We are going to learn how to pass our arguments by using the ref and out keywords. Development Environment Setup Data Types, Declarations and Variable Definitions Operators in...

C# Methods

In this article, we are going to learn more about methods. We are going to learn how to use methods in C#, what is the method signature, and how to use parameters and arguments. If you want to download the source code for our examples, you can do...

C# Access Modifiers

In this article, we are going to explain different types of access modifiers in C# and what their purpose is. For the complete navigation of this series check out: C# Back to Basics. [sc name="github"...

While, For, Do-While Loops in C#

In this article, we are going to learn how to use loops in C#, what type of loops exist, and when to use them. We will use a couple of examples to closely explain the usage of each loop in C#. If you want to download the source code for our...

Conditions in C# with If-Else, and Switch-Case Statements

In this article, we are going to talk about conditions in C#. We will learn how to write simple conditional statements, nested conditional statements, and multiple conditional statements. If you want to download the source code for our examples,...

Working With Strings in C# – String Methods

The string type represents a character array, and its length is determined by the Length property. All the character positions inside that string are enumerated from 0 to Length-1. C# provides us with many different methods to work with strings and we are going to...

Linear Structures in C# with Inputs and Printing Output Results

In this article, we are going to learn how to solve simple problems by using linear structures in C#. We are going to accept inputs, work with them and print the output to the console window. To download a source code, you can visit our Input and...

Type Conversion in C#

In C#, data can be converted from one type to another by using an implicit conversion (automatic) or an explicit conversion (we can choose how it’s done). Development Environment Setup Data Types, Declarations and Variable Definitions Operators in C# Type Conversion...