At its core, Kafka is a distributed streaming platform designed to handle large volumes of data in real-time. Its exceptional performance, fault tolerance, and scalability make it a pivotal component in event-driven architectures.

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In this article, we’ll learn how to integrate Kafka with an ASP.NET Core Web API using a custom Docker Compose setup and the Confluent Kafka Nuget package.

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Understanding Kafka and Event-Driven Architecture

Kafka utilizes a publish-subscribe model. In this model, producers publish messages to topics, and consumers subscribe to those topics to receive the messages. This model allows for seamless communication between different system components and promotes the creation of scalable and responsive applications.

Kafka comprises several components that work together to provide a reliable and scalable messaging system:

Kafka Architecture


In this diagram, we have producers that create new events or data messages and publish them to specific topics in Kafka.

The central component is the Kafka Cluster, comprising multiple Brokers for high availability, fault tolerance, and load balancing. The cluster receives these messages and stores them. The Kafka Cluster of this streaming data platform works as a center where producers send data, while consumers receive such information. Various partitions divide each topic, and Kafka distributes them across multiple brokers in a cluster to ensure both replication and parallelism.

Zookeeper plays the vital role of managing and coordinating the Kafka Brokers. It helps maintain a list of brokers, tracks the status of nodes, and, most importantly, operates leader elections for partition.

The final element represented in the diagram is the consumers. Consumers subscribe to one or more topics in the Kafka Cluster, consume the data feed, and process it. We can organize consumers into consumer groups to optimize this process, enabling load balancing across the system. The consumers act as the end receivers of the streaming channel.

Event-driven Architecture

Event-driven is an architectural pattern that organizes a system as loosely coupled components communicating and coordinating through events.

People often link Kafka with microservices because it helps services talk to each other without being too dependent.

However, Kafka isn’t only for microservices. It fits into all kinds of setups, even with big applications starting to adopt the event-driven approach.

Kafka’s importance in event-driven applications arises from its high throughput, fault tolerance, and event sequencing capabilities. Because events are foundational to such architectures, Kafka’s efficient event management is crucial for building reliable, scalable systems.

Let’s see how to set up Kafka.

Application Description

Let’s simulate a basic scenario in an e-commerce application:

Kafka message flow 

Here, the customer calls the Web API, which publishes an “OrderPlaced” event to a Kafka topic, which an Order Confirmation Service subscribes to.

We implement the producer responsible for publishing the event in the Web API project, while a console application represents the consumer component, which consumes and processes events.

Here, Kafka topics act as a logical channel for message publication, enabling categorization, organization, and parallel processing.

Setting Up Kafka

To leverage Kafka for building scalable and event-driven applications within an ASP.NET Core Web API, we need to establish a connection between our Web API project and the Kafka broker. Accordingly, we utilize the Docker Compose file in our project to orchestrate the deployment of Kafka and Zookeeper containers in this setup.

For a complete reference, feel free to check out the official Confluent GitHub repository, which provides a comprehensive Docker Compose file for setting up an entire Kafka ecosystem.

Next, let’s start the containers:

docker-compose up -d

We use Developer PowerShell in Visual Studio to run the command from the directory containing our docker-compose.yml file.

Now, let’s check the output:

[+] Running 15/2 
    broker 11 layers Pulled
    zookeeper 2 layers Pulled
[+] Running 2/3
    Network kafka default Created
    Container zookeeper Started
    Container broker Started

As we can see, both the Zookeeper and Kafka broker are running successfully.

Next, let’s create a topic:

docker exec -it broker kafka-topics --create --topic order-events --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1

We create an “order-events” topic, specifying its partitions and replication factor. Partitions dictate the parallel streams of data Kafka can handle, and adjusting them optimizes performance based on specific requirements. A replication factor of “1” indicates a single copy for simplicity, though we can increase it for fault tolerance and high availability in production environments.

We follow a consistent and descriptive naming convention, like “order-events” which helps us understand the functionality and purpose of each component within the Kafka-based system.

Integrating Kafka With ASP.NET Core Web API

To begin with, let’s create a Web API project and install the Confluent.Kafka package to it:

dotnet add package Confluent.Kafka --version 2.3.0

Confluent Kafka is a robust and widely adopted distribution of Apache Kafka, a leading open-source event streaming platform. It extends Kafka’s capabilities with additional features, tools, and components to simplify the development, deployment, and management of Kafka-based applications.

Configuring the Kafka Producer

Now, let’s start by configuring the producer and adding it to our services in the Program.cs file:

var producerConfig = new ProducerConfig
    BootstrapServers = $"localhost:{Helper.GetKafkaBrokerPort(
    ClientId = "order-producer"

    new ProducerBuilder<string, string>(producerConfig).Build());

Here, we initialize the ProducerConfig object, specify the Kafka broker’s address, and assign the producer a unique identifier (ClientId). Apache Kafka uses the default port “9092” for communication between clients and brokers. Kafka brokers will listen for incoming connections from producers and consumers. 

We retrieve the Kafka broker address using the GetKafkaBrokerPort() utility method that we create inside the Shared library Within the method, we read the docker-compose.yml file to extract the port configuration for the Kafka broker. For brevity, we have excluded the implementation from the article. Please refer to the GitHub repository to see the implementation.

The ClientId is a distinctive identifier for the producer within the Kafka ecosystem. This allows Kafka to track and distinguish messages originating from different producers. It also enables Kafka to maintain state information about the producer, facilitating effective load distribution and evenly distributing messages across broker partitions.

After that, we register the Kafka producer as a singleton service within the ASP.NET Core dependency injection container. We use the ProducerBuilder class to construct and configure the producer and utilize the Build() method to finalize its creation.

Configuring the Kafka Consumer

Let’s create a console app to configure the consumer in the Program.cs class:

var consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig
    BootstrapServers = $"localhost:{Helper.GetKafkaBrokerPort(
    GroupId = "order-consumer",
    AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest

We start by initializing the ConsumerConfig class to configure the Kafka consumer. Similarly, we fetch the Kafka broker’s address. Then, we assign a consumer group identifier (GroupId) as “order-consumer” and set the AutoOffsetReset to Earliest.

We select AutoOffsetReset.Earliest to make the consumer start from the earliest available message, ensuring we process all messages and maintain the entire message history. This is useful for new consumers or restarting after inactivity to catch up on missed messages.

Another option available for the auto-offset reset configuration is AutoOffsetReset.Latest. When set to Latest the consumer starts consuming messages from the latest offset, meaning it begins with the most recent messages published to the topic.

Next, let’s register the Kafka consumer just below the consumerConfig initialization:

var builder = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
    .ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
            new ConsumerBuilder<string, string>(consumerConfig).Build());

We use the CreateDefaultBuilder() method to configure the host, and we register the Kafka consumer as a singleton service using the specified consumerConfig

Producing Messages with Kafka in ASP.NET Core

Publishing messages to Kafka from an ASP.NET Core Web API involves configuring a Kafka producer and sending messages to a specific topic.

First, let’s create an OrderDetails class inside the Shared library:

public class OrderDetails
    public int OrderId { get; set; }
    public string? ProductName { get; set; }
    public decimal Price { get; set; }
    public DateTime OrderDate { get; set; }

For the sake of simplicity, we have combined the entity OrderDetails class and utility method into a single project Shared library. While this approach may suffice for demonstration purposes, it’s best practice to separate entities and utilities into distinct projects in a production environment, as they typically handle different data and serve various purposes.

Next, let’s create an OrderController class in the Web API:

public class OrderController(IProducer<string, string> producer) : ControllerBase
    private readonly IProducer<string, string> _producer = producer;
    private const string Topic = "order-events";

    public async Task<IActionResult> PlaceOrder(OrderDetails orderDetails)
            var kafkaMessage = new Message<string, string>
                Value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(orderDetails)

            await _producer.ProduceAsync(Topic, kafkaMessage);

            return Ok("Order placed successfully");
        catch (ProduceException<string, string> ex)
            return BadRequest($"Error publishing message: {ex.Error.Reason}");

As a first step, we inject the Kafka producer in the primary constructor through dependency injection and set the Kafka topic to “order-events.” Next, we create a POST endpoint that accepts orderDetails as the input parameter.

When producing messages to Kafka, it’s essential to serialize complex data structures like the orderDetails object into a format that Kafka can handle.

In this case, we use JSON serialization to convert the orderDetails object into a string representation. Although Kafka messages are typically composed of key-value pairs represented as byte arrays, the Message class used here allows us to encapsulate the serialized value directly.

It’s worth noting that while Kafka messages can include both keys and values, in this scenario, we only deal with the value, which is set to the serialized JSON string of the orderDetails object. The key defaults to null if we don’t specify it, which is acceptable for our use case.

Finally, we invoke the ProduceAsync() method to send the message to the “order-events” topic asynchronously.

Consuming Kafka Messages in ASP.NET Core

To process the messages published by our ASP.NET Core Web API, we must create a Kafka consumer within our console application.

Now, let’s create the ConsumerService class in the console app:

public class ConsumerService(IConsumer<string, string> consumer) : IHostedService
    private readonly IConsumer<string, string> _consumer = consumer;

    public Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)

        Task.Run(() =>
            while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                var consumeResult = _consumer.Consume(cancellationToken);

                if (consumeResult is null)

                var orderDetails = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<OrderDetails>(consumeResult.Message.Value);

                Console.WriteLine($"Received message: " +
                    $"Order Id: {orderDetails?.OrderId}, Product name: {orderDetails?.ProductName}, " +
                    $"Price: {orderDetails?.Price}, Order date: {orderDetails?.OrderDate}");
        }, cancellationToken);

        return Task.CompletedTask;

Straightaway, we define a ConsumerService class that implements the IHostedService interface, serving as the background service responsible for consuming messages from a Kafka topic.

After that, we execute the StartAsync() method, which initiates when the hosted service starts. The Kafka consumer subscribes to the “order-events” topic within this method. Then, we initiate the background task using the Task.Run() method, creating a loop that continuously listens for incoming Kafka messages as long as the cancellation token has not been signaled.

We check if the consumeResult is null before attempting to access its properties to avoid a NullReferenceException.

Finally, we deserialize the JSON string representation into an instance of the OrderDetails class.

Now, let’s register the ConsumerService class in Program class and invoke the consumer:

var builder = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
        .ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
                new ConsumerBuilder<string, string>(consumerConfig).Build());

var host = builder.Build();

var kafkaConsumerService = host.Services.GetRequiredService<IHostedService>();

await kafkaConsumerService.StartAsync(default);

await Task.Delay(Timeout.Infinite);

Here, we add a ConsumerService class as the hosted service to manage the Kafka consumer’s lifecycle.

Then, we build the host and retrieve the Kafka consumer service. Then, we invoke the StartAsync() method on the Kafka consumer service, initiating the consumption of Kafka messages.

Finally, we call the Task.Delay(Timeout.Infinite) method to keep the application running indefinitely. By passing a Timeout.Infinite value to Task.Delay() method, we create an indefinite delay, allowing the application to remain active and responsive to events or messages until we manually terminate it.

Testing the Kafka Integration

Now, it’s time to test our implementation. First, let’s run the Web API and the console app simultaneously by setting them to multiple start-up projects.

Now, let’s invoke the endpoint:

Postman result

Here, we successfully publish the message to the Kafka topic.

Now, let’s inspect the consumer:

Received message: Order Id: 1, Product name: Mobile, Price: 100.0, Order date: 30-03-2024 16:28:00

As we can see, the consumer receives the message we published.

Optimizing Kafka Usage

We can optimize Kafka usage in our ASP.NET Core Web API by implementing several practical tips to enhance performance and efficiency.

First, we should consider batching multiple messages into a single request to reduce overhead and improve throughput. We configure the BatchSize property in the ProducerConfig class to specify the maximum number of messages to include in a batch. By default, Kafka sets this property to a value of 1000000 bytes, but we can adjust it based on our application’s requirements.

Then we need to partition Kafka topics to enable parallel processing, ensuring efficient utilization of resources. Implementing monitoring solutions is crucial to track Kafka metrics and performance, to be able to timely detect issues and resolve them.

Lastly, we should optimize message serialization/deserialization processes by selecting efficient serialization formats. By incorporating these strategies, we can ensure Kafka’s optimal performance in our ASP.NET Core Web API.

Best Practices for Kafka Integration in ASP.NET Core

Lastly, let’s explore the best practices for seamlessly integrating Kafka into our ASP.NET Core application.

First, we should implement comprehensive error-handling mechanisms, managing issues like connection errors or message processing failures. By doing so, we ensure a resilient and reliable system.

Next, we recommend configuring our Kafka producers to be idempotent. This way we prevent duplicate messages during retries and ensure consistent behavior throughout our application. It’s a strategic move contributing to our Kafka integration’s robustness.

We can accomplish this using the EnableIdempotence property in ProducerConfig, which prevents duplicate messages during retries. This ensures unique identifiers for messages and prevents duplicate production, even during transient failures.

Now, we shift our focus to scalability.

Accordingly, we should leverage consumer groups for load balancing and parallel message processing. This empowers our application to scale efficiently, meeting the demands of increased workloads.

We assign unique group identifiers to consumer groups so that Kafka can track progress and distribute messages evenly. Deploying multiple instances of our consumer app with the same group ID enables Kafka to balance partitions for efficient automatic processing.


In this article, we’ve explored Confluent Kafka’s transformative impact on ASP.NET Core Web API applications, underscoring its pivotal role in enabling scalable, resilient, and responsive event-driven architectures.

Therefore, by integrating Kafka, we can leverage its robust features to build dynamic and efficient systems that meet the demands of modern software development.

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