This week we bring you a new set of fresh and interesting articles:
.NET and C#
- Prevent Zip bombs in .NET
Gérald Barré gives us a way to prevent Zip bombs when extracting archives on our servers. Have you ever thought about this? - C# 8.0: Understanding Using Declarations
Steve explains how the new C# 8 concept, “using declarations” works, and shows some real-life examples of it.
Worthy Reads
- Using NSwag to Generate Blazor Server Client for an ASP.NET Core 3.1 API
- Selective Projects Loading using Solution Filter in Visual Studio
- Cookies and Consent in ASP .NET Core 3.1
- Making API calls using the access token and refresh token from an ASP.NET Core authentication handler
- Watching More Files With Dotnet Watch For Static Sites
- System.Text.Json Rest Client
- Getting the Most Out of Application Insights for .NET (Core) Apps
- Collecting and analyzing memory dumps
- Refactoring Code to Use C# Local Functions
News & Updates
- .NET Core January 2020 Updates – 2.1.15, 3.0.2, and 3.1.1
- Deploying Blazor apps to Azure Storage account
Other Interesting Articles
- .NET everywhere apparently also means Windows 3.11 and DOS
- Elasticsearch
- GDPR & Blockchain – A Programmer’s Guide
On Programming and Life
- 8 STEPS To Become A Well-Rounded GAME DEVELOPER
- Kids and Code: Object-Oriented Programming with Code Combat
- 9 Lessons From the Google Screening Process to Supercharge Your Resume
Weekly Dose of Humor
- When they ask me to explain how my code works
- When I try to understand the code I wrote the day before
- When I leave for a coffee and remember that I did not lock my session
We hope you’ve enjoyed the articles this week. If you haven’t done so yet, please subscribe to get notified about the future newsletter issues.
Have a great weekend!