Performance monitoring is essential for ensuring that our applications run efficiently and reliably. .NET offers a set of tools to help with this, accessible via IMeterFactory. In this article, we’ll learn how to use these tools to check the health of our applications, measure performance, and collect data for optimization.

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What Are .NET Metric Instruments? 

In .NET, we have various instruments available to capture an application’s performance data, such as:

  • Counter<T>: Tracks increasing counts, such as total requests or clicks
  • Gauge<T>: Measures fluctuating non-cumulative values, like current memory consumption
  • UpDownCounter<T>: Captures values that can increase and decrease, such as queue sizes
  • Histogram<T>: Visualizes how data is distributed across ranges of values

In addition to these, there are observable instruments like ObservableCounter<T>, ObservableGauge<T>, and ObservableUpDownCounter<T> that report their values as they are observed. 

These instruments are carefully designed for different monitoring needs, allowing accurate and meaningful performance tracking.

Configure IMeterFactory in ASP.NET Core Web API

Let’s create an ASP.NET Core Web API project and configure it to use IMeterFactory. We need this before we can create and use the metric instruments described above.

IMeterFactory is part of the System.Diagnostics.Metrics NuGet package, which is included by default in .NET 8+. This means we can directly inject IMeterFactory into our classes. Let’s do that now by creating a MetricsService class:

public class MetricsService
    public MetricsService(IMeterFactory meterFactory)
        var meter = meterFactory.Create("Metrics.Service");     

We define a MetricsService class and inject IMeterFactory into it to initialize a Meter instance. Now, we can use this Meter instance to define and capture metrics.

Define the IMeterFactory Instruments

Next, let’s see how to capture various metrics.

Let’s declare a counter for holding the number of user clicks, a histogram for reporting response times, and a couple of variables for storing requests and memory consumption: 

public class MetricsService
    private readonly Counter<int> _userClicks;
    private readonly Histogram<double> _responseTime;

    private int _requests;
    private double _memoryConsumption;

    public MetricsService(IMeterFactory meterFactory)
        var meter = meterFactory.Create("Metrics.Service");

        _userClicks = meter.CreateCounter<int>("metrics.service.user_clicks");

        _responseTime = meter.CreateHistogram<double>("metrics.service.response_time");

        meter.CreateObservableCounter("metrics.service.requests", () => _requests);


First, we initialize the counter using the CreateCounter() method. Next, we initialize the histogram metric with the CreateHistogram() method.

After that, we set up an observable counter using the CreateObservableCounter() method, which returns the value of _requests through a callback function. Similarly, we set up an observable gauge with the CreateObservableGauge() method, returning the _memoryConsumption value via its own callback function.

Since the only difference between a Counter and UpDownCounter is that the former can only increase in value, while the latter can increase and decrease, we will not look at UpDownCounter here.

Capture the Metrics

Now, let’s add a few methods for recording these metric values in both an interface and in the class.

First, let’s create an IMetricsService interface and add a few method contracts:

public interface IMetricsService
    void RecordUserClick();
    void RecordResponseTime(double value);
    void RecordRequest();
    void RecordMemoryConsumption(double value);

Then, let’s implement this new interface in the MetricsService class:

public class MetricsService : IMetricsService
    // private fields and constructor omitted for brevity
    public void RecordUserClick()

    public void RecordResponseTime(double value)

    public void RecordRequest()
        Interlocked.Increment(ref _requests);

    public void RecordMemoryConsumption(double value)
        _memoryConsumption = value;

Here, the RecordUserClick() method increments the _userClicks counter by one to track the number of user clicks. The RecordResponseTime() method records the provided application’s response time using a histogram metric. The RecordRequest() method safely increments the _requests counter by one in a multi-threaded environment each time we call it, and the RecordMemoryConsumption() method updates the _memoryConsumption field with the provided value.

After that, let’s create a controller class and inject IMetricsService into it. In the controller, let’s add a GET method to generate some metrics data and record those using the MetricsService methods:

public class MetricsController(IMetricsService metricsService) : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult Get()
        var random = Random.Shared;


        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)


        metricsService.RecordMemoryConsumption(GC.GetAllocatedBytesForCurrentThread() / (1024 * 1024));

        return Ok();

We begin by recording a user-click event by calling the RecordUserClick() method. Next, we generate random values for response time within a loop and capture those values by calling the RecordResponseTime() method. Afterward, we log a request event by calling the RecordRequest() method. Finally, we record the current thread’s memory usage in megabytes by calling the RecordMemoryConsumption() method.

Here, the controller’s  Get() method simulates the metrics data collection by invoking various methods from MetricsService with random values and returning an HTTP 200 OK response.

Finally, let’s register the MetricsService in the dependency injection container:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IMetricsService, MetricsService>();

var app = builder.Build();

This registers MetricsService as a singleton service for the IMetricsService interface throughout the application’s lifetime.

Also, make sure to add the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore NuGet package and configure Swagger UI in the Program class:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IMetricsService, MetricsService>();

var app = builder.Build();

if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())

This will enable the Swagger UI and make it easier to visualize and run the API endpoints.

Visualize the Metrics

Let’s run the API application, which should display the Swagger UI. To view the metrics, we’ll use the dotnet-counters tool.

First, we need to install the dotnet-counters tool using the dotnet tool update command:

dotnet tool update -g dotnet-counters

Once the tool is installed, we get a success message:

> dotnet tool update -g dotnet-counters

You can invoke the tool using the following command: dotnet-counters
Tool 'dotnet-counters' (version '9.0.553101') was successfully installed.

While the app is still running, let’s use dotnet-counters to monitor all the metrics from our application:

dotnet-counters monitor -n MetricsAPI --counters Metrics.Service

Here, we specify the dotnet-counters tool to monitor all metrics in the MetricsAPI application coming from the MetricsService meter. Remember that the meter name is case-sensitive.

This will bring up the metrics screen, which will be empty as we haven’t yet run the endpoint to generate those:

Press p to pause, r to resume, q to quit.
    Status: Waiting for initial payload...

Name                                                                                   Current Value

Now, let’s invoke the \metrics endpoint from the Swagger UI to create the metrics and observe the output:

Press p to pause, r to resume, q to quit.
    Status: Running

Name                                                                                       Current Value
    metrics.service.memory_consumption                                                             0.003
    metrics.service.requests (Count)                                                               1      
        50                                                                                         0.567
        95                                                                                         0.938
        99                                                                                         0.988
    metrics.service.user_clicks (Count)                                                            1    

As expected, we can see the output with all metrics collected. As we run the endpoint multiple times, notice how the user_clicks and request values increment by one. On the other hand, response_time shows the percentile of a large set of random samples. Although the dotnet-counters tool renders Histogram instruments as three percentile statistics (50th, 95th, and 99th), other tools might summarize the distribution differently or offer more configuration options. Similarly, memory_consumption shows a different value every time as it represents a Gauge.

Add Clarity With Unit and Description

When we define instruments, we can specify an optional unit and description. These details do not change any calculations, but they can help us understand the data in the collection tool’s interface. Currently, the dotnet-counters tool does not show the description text, but it does display the unit if provided.

Let’s modify the MetricsService constructor, to specify the unit as Seconds and add a description while creating the histogram for capturing the response time:

_responseTime = meter.CreateHistogram<double>(name: "metrics.service.response_time",
    unit: "Seconds",
    description: "This metric measures the time taken for the application to respond to user requests.");

The option is available on observable instruments as well.

Let’s modify the constructor further, to specify the unit as Megabytes and add a description while creating the observable gauge metric for memory consumption:

meter.CreateObservableGauge(name: "metrics.service.memory_consumption",
    () => _memoryConsumption,
    unit: "Megabytes",
    description: "This metric measures the amount of memory used by the application.");

Now, when we run the application, hit the endpoint, and observe the metrics, we can see that the response time shows the Seconds as units, while the memory consumption shows units as Megabytes:

Press p to pause, r to resume, q to quit.
    Status: Running
Name                                                                                        Current Value
    metrics.service.memory_consumption (Megabytes)                                                 0.003
    metrics.service.requests (Count)                                                               1
    metrics.service.response_time (Seconds)
        50                                                                                         0.532
        95                                                                                         0.952
        99                                                                                         0.976
    metrics.service.user_clicks (Count)                                                            1    

Leveraging this, we can add units to metrics to make the data more meaningful.

Define Multi-Dimensional Metrics

Measurements can have tags that link them to key-value pairs, which helps organize data for analysis. We can use specific tags for Counter and Histogram measurements in the overloaded Add() and Record() methods, which accept one or more KeyValuePair arguments. For ObservableCounter and ObservableGauge, we can add tagged measurements in the callback provided to the constructor.

For example, to improve the metrics for user clicks by adding details like the user’s region and the feature clicked, we can create a method called RecordUserClickDetailed() in MetricsService. This method allows us to send these extra details to the overloaded Counter.Add() method:

public void RecordUserClickDetailed(string region, string feature)
        new KeyValuePair<string, object?>("user.region", region),
        new KeyValuePair<string, object?>("user.feature", feature));

Similarly, let’s create a multi-dimensional gauge that reports detailed resource consumption, such as CPU, memory, and thread count. First, let’s add these additional fields to our MetricService class:

private double _cpu;
private double _memory;
private double _threadCount;

Next, let’s create a GetResourceConsumption() method that returns IEnumerable<Measurement<int>>:

private IEnumerable<Measurement<double>> GetResourceConsumption()
        new Measurement<double>(_cpu, new KeyValuePair<string,object?>
            ("resource_usage", "cpu")),
        new Measuremcent<double>(_memory, new KeyValuePair<string,object?>
            ("resource_usage", "memory")),
        new Measurement<double>(_threadCount, new KeyValuePair<string,object?>
            ("resource_usage", "thread_count")),

Next, in our constructor, we need to update the callback in our observable Gauge creation to call our new GetResourceConsumption() method:

public MetricsService(IMeterFactory meterFactory)
    // code omitted for brevity

    meter.CreateObservableGauge(name: "metrics.service.resource_consumption",
        () => GetResourceConsumption());

Additionally, let’s create a RecordResourceUsage() method for capturing the resource usage:

public void RecordResourceUsage(double currentCpuUsage, double currentMemoryUsage, double currentThreadCount)
    _cpu = currentCpuUsage;
    _memory = currentMemoryUsage;
    _threadCount = currentThreadCount;

Also, let’s create a Utility class and method to calculate the CPU usage:

public static class Utilities
    public static double GetCpuUsagePercentage()
        var process = Process.GetCurrentProcess();

        var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
        var initialCpuTime = process.TotalProcessorTime;


        var endTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
        var finalCpuTime = process.TotalProcessorTime;

        var totalCpuTimeUsed = (finalCpuTime - initialCpuTime).TotalMilliseconds;
        var totalTimeElapsed = (endTime - startTime).TotalMilliseconds;

        var cpuUsage = (totalCpuTimeUsed / (Environment.ProcessorCount * totalTimeElapsed)) * 100;

        return cpuUsage;

This method measures the CPU usage of the current process by capturing the CPU time used over a one-second period and calculating the percentage of CPU utilization.

Lastly, we need to be sure to update our IMetricsService interface with our two new recording methods:

void RecordUserClickDetailed(string region, string feature);
void RecordResourceUsage(double currentCpuUsage, double currentMemoryUsage, double currentThreadCount);

Now, let’s call these methods by adding them to the end of the GET endpoint in the controller, immediately before the final `return Ok()` line:

metricsService.RecordUserClickDetailed("US", "checkout");

    GC.GetTotalAllocatedBytes() / (1024 * 1024),

While calling the RecordUserClickDetailed() method, we pass the region and feature.

When calling the method, we pass the values for CPU usage, total memory, and thread count. We utilize the GetCpuUsagePercentage() utility method to obtain CPU usage, while the GC.GetTotalAllocatedBytes() method can supply the total memory allocated to the current process and Process.GetCurrentProcess().Threads.Count report the number of threads running in that process. 

Now, when we run the application again, exercise the endpoint, and observe the metrics, we can see it displays these details as multi-dimensional metrics:

Press p to pause, r to resume, q to quit.
    Status: Running

Name                                                                                       Current Value
    metrics.service.memory_consumption (Megabytes)                                                 0.016
    metrics.service.requests (Count)                                                               1    
        cpu                                                                                        0.482
        memory                                                                                     6
        thread_count                                                                              50
    metrics.service.response_time (Seconds)
        50                                                                                         0.419
        95                                                                                         0.958
        99                                                                                         0.983
    metrics.service.user_clicks (Count)                                                            1
        user.feature user.region
        checkout     US                                                                            1    

This is an excellent way to display metrics that have multiple dimensions.

Test IMeterFactory Metrics Using MetricCollector

We can test any custom IMeterFactory metrics that we add to our application using the MetricCollector<T> class. This class simplifies the process of recording measurements from specific instruments and helps us verify their accuracy. Let’s see how to do this.

First, we need to add the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection and Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.Testing NuGet packages. Next, we need to define a CreateServiceProvider() to use in our test methods:

private static ServiceProvider CreateServiceProvider()
    var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();

    return serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();

The CreateServiceProvider() method sets up a dependency injection container. It creates a new ServiceCollection, adds metric services, and a singleton instance of MetricsService, and then builds and returns a service provider that can be used to resolve these services.

Let’s write a test for user click metrics using MetricCollector<int>:

public void GivenMetricsConfigured_WhenUserClickRecorded_ThenCounterCaptured()
    // Arrange
    using var services = CreateServiceProvider();
    var metrics = services.GetRequiredService<MetricsService>();
    var meterFactory = services.GetRequiredService<IMeterFactory>();
    var collector = new MetricCollector<int>(meterFactory, "Metrics.Service", "metrics.service.user_clicks");

    // Act

    // Assert
    var measurements = collector.GetMeasurementSnapshot();
    Assert.Equal(1, measurements[0].Value);

This test verifies that MetricsService accurately records a user’s click. It sets up the required services and metrics collector and then calls the RecordUserClick() method in MetricsService. Afterward, it checks that the metrics collector has captured exactly one user click. Here, the metric collector will collect the specified metrics and return a snapshot of the measurements collected.

Similarly, let’s write a test for request metrics which uses ObservableCounter:

public void GivenMetricsConfigured_WhenRequestRecorded_ThenObservableCounterCaptured()
    // Arrange
    using var services = CreateServiceProvider();
    var metrics = services.GetRequiredService<MetricsService>();
    var meterFactory = services.GetRequiredService<IMeterFactory>();
    var collector = new MetricCollector<int>(meterFactory, "Metrics.Service", "metrics.service.requests");

    // Act

    // Assert
    var measurements = collector.GetMeasurementSnapshot();
    Assert.Equal(1, measurements[0].Value);

This test verifies that the MetricsService accurately records a request. It sets up the necessary components, including a MetricsService and a MetricCollector, to capture metrics. The test then calls the RecordRequest() method on the MetricsService and checks that the observable counter for requests is incremented by one.

When collecting observable metrics (ObservableCounter, ObservableGauge, etc), we need to call the RecordObservableInstruments() method on the MetricsCollector to scan all the observable metrics.

The MetricCollector simplifies the process of writing tests for the various metric collections in our application.

IMeterFactory Best Practices 

Let’s explore best practices for choosing and implementing IMeterFactory instruments. For DI-aware libraries, avoid static variables and opt for dependency injection (DI) instead.

When creating a Meter, it’s important to choose a unique name. As discussed earlier, follow OpenTelemetry naming guidelines using a lowercase, dotted hierarchical structure and underscores to separate words for naming all constructs. Ensure the instrument name is unique across the system, often incorporating assembly or namespace names.

We should always choose the appropriate instrument based on need; however, keep in mind that the Observable equivalents may perform better in performance-intensive scenarios, such as when there are more than one million calls per second per thread.

If we need to understand the distribution’s tail, such as the 90th, 95th, and 99th percentiles, instead of just averages, use a histogram to measure event timings. For measuring cache, queue, and file sizes, opt for an UpDownCounter or ObservableUpDownCounter based on ease of integration into existing code, either through API calls for increments and decrements or a callback for current values from a maintained variable.

.NET APIs allow any string as a unit, but utilizing UCUM, the international standard for unit names is advisable. For multi-dimensional metrics, the API accepts any object as the tag value. However, collection tools typically expect numeric types and strings, making it crucial to provide these formats. Additionally, it’s recommended to follow the naming guidelines for tag names.


In this article, we discussed how to set up IMeterFactory in an ASP.NET Core Web API to effectively track various metrics. We looked at how to display these metrics using the dotnet-counters tool and shared tips for choosing and using the different metrics. Finally, we wrapped up with a discussion of best practices and testing metric collection in our code.

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