We’re back on track with a fresh batch of extremely useful articles for this late August summer week. Pick the topic you’re interested in, get that cold brew you’ve been saving in the fridge and start reading:

.NET and C#

  • Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption in .NET Core [damienbod.com]
    A great piece on the differences between symmetric and asymmetric encryption in .NET Core by Damien Bowden. If you want to find out when and how to use these types of encryption, read on.
  • ASP.NET Core Health Checks [asp.net-hacker.rocks]
    A comprehensive article about health checks in ASP.NET Core by Jürgen Gutsch. Health checks are a relatively new concept in .NET, but they are extremely cool and useful. Read on to find out more.

Worthy Reads

Live & Presentations

News & Updates

DevOps & IoT

Other Interesting Articles

On Programming and Life

Weekly Dose of Humor

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Have a great weekend!

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