This week we’ve seen articles on all kinds of different topics. From .NET to frontend to AI and some interesting real-world stuff that we can all relate to. Check out this week’s selection, pick your favorite place to read and enjoy:

.NET and C#

  • Detecting duplicate routes in ASP.NET Core []
    In the fifth part of his GraphvizOnline series, Andrew explains how to detect duplicate routes and throw an exception at runtime.
  • A* Search PathFinding Algorithm In C# []
    Pathfinding is an interesting topic. Wade explains what A* algorithm is, how it works, and then implements it in C#. If you’ve ever been interested in pathfinding algorithms, now’s a good time to check it out.

Worthy Reads

Live & Presentation

News & Updates

DevOps & IoT

Other Interesting Articles

On Programming and Life

Weekly Dose of Humor

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